Your Choice of Commercial Real Estate Brokers May Positively Or Adversely Affect The Site Selection Process.

When asked to find vacant land for a client, most commercial real estate brokers survey the market area for available properties that are properly zoned for the client's prospective use of the land. Then they present these sites to a prospective buyer.

Most brokers lack the across-the-board real estate experience necessary to assist the client in helping to make the best choice.

Why Will Across-The-Board Experience Make A Difference? Will Your Broker Have The Requisite Experience To Assess The Following Issues, And To Screen Sites Accordingly?

You need a broker that can do more than just put a buyer and seller together. You need Commercial Property One. We have training and experience in site-selection.

At Commercial property One, our across-the-board experience will allow us to screen potential sites based on your actual intended use. We can save you considerable time and effort, because we will know more about the site than just its address.


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