Renewal and Relocation

Renewal and Relocation

Whether Your Company Decides To Renew, Or To Relocate, It Will Be Important To Have The Proper Leverage To Obtain The Best Result. That Leverage Can Be Achieved By Having Professional Real Estate Representation.

When you have an adversarial situation, won't the opposition take you more seriously when an attorney has been retained?

The same is true for real estate transactions. Retaining a commercial real estate broker will have a similar effect on a landlord. When you have representation, your present landlord will know that you are absolutely serious about exploring your options. This will lead to a better financial outcome even if you stay in your present space.

Helping your company to explore its options regarding commercial lease space is what a commercial real estate broker does best. After evaluating other possible locations, you may find that it will make better sense to relocate.

The Process.

The first step is to assess your company's needs for the short, and the long term. Evaluate your space requirements, and any special needs that may affect the choice of suitable buildings.

The broker may then work to identify all possible buildings and lease spaces available that may suit your company's needs.

The broker may then make formal written request for proposals for lease space to the owners or landlords of properties selected. Such an RFP will also be presented to your existing landlord, provided that your lease space will remain suitable for a new specified lease term. This process will help to create an air of competition, and will serve to help your company to make the best deal possible.


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